Why GNU MediaGoblin
Chris Webber and Will Kahn-Greene on "Why GNU MediaGoblin":
Chris came up with the name MediaGoblin. The name is pretty fun. It merges the idea that this is a Media hosting project with Goblin which sort of sounds like gobbling. Here's a piece of software that gobbles up your media for all to see.
According to Wikipedia, a goblin is:
- "A legendary evil or mischievous illiterate creature, described
- as grotesquely evil or evil-like phantom"
So are we evil? No. Are we mischievous or illiterate? Not really. So what kind of goblin are we thinking about? We're thinking about these goblins:
File:Goblin.png Cute goblin with a beret. Illustrated by Chris Webber |
File:Snugglygoblin.png Snuggly goblin. Illustrated by Karen Rustad |
Those are pretty cute goblins. Those are the kinds of goblins we're thinking about.
Why GNU?
Chris started doing work on the project after thinking about it for a year. Then, after talking with Matt and Rob, it became an official GNU project. Thus we now call it GNU MediaGoblin.
That's a lot of letters, though, so in the interest of brevity and facilitating easier casual conversation and balancing that with what's important to us, we have the following rules:
- "GNU MediaGoblin" is the name we're going to use in all official capacities: web site, documentation, press releases.
- In casual conversation, it's ok to use more casual names.
- If you're writing about the project, we ask that you call it GNU MediaGoblin.
- If you don't like the name, we kindly ask you to take a deep breath, think a happy thought about cute little goblins playing on a playground and taking cute pictures of themselves, and let it go (Will added this one.)