GSOC 2014

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We are hoping to participate in GSOC 2014 under the GNU umbrella.

Possible projects

Input, processing

Gstreamer audio/video code cleanup

Investigate and fix the issues with thumbnailing in the video processing pipeline. Investigate the rest of the gstreamer code, clean up and document.

Show progress on gstreamer pipeline.

Processing panel improvements

Could be combined with the above.

Better indication of the status of media processing. This includes better representation of current processing progress, as well as representation of possible errors.

Submission by email

Output, media-specific stuff with user-facing parts

Client-side audio rendering

This one's a low-maybe on priorities, compared to others. The goal is to make it themable.

Switch the audio spectrogram rendering to be done on the user's end. During processing, the relevant data should be extracted and stored as metadata, but should be presented to the user.

(Could possibly be combined with the above two; student should talk to paroneayea on IRC before doing so and also get some sense of the existing processing code)

Media embedding and OEmbed support

Subtitles support

For video and audio.

A way for a reader to see thumbnails/resized versions in other sizes

Generating multiple versions, like Flickr or MediaWiki can.

Support For Ogg Vorbis+Theora

Multi-file output stuff

Podcasting support / new feed library?

Switch to or write a new feed library that is capable of handling enclosures and port MediaGoblin to it.

Nested collections


Enable "favoriting" of media (compat see also: "Favoriting across instances" )

Cross-instance collections/galleries (think Flickr pool)

Tag clouds

Port migrations to Alembic

Currently we use sqlalchemy-migrate, but it's fairly outdated and unmaintained.

Port the migration infrastructure to using Alembic instead.

This includes making sure that sqlite can be continued to be used with MediaGoblin's migrations (which may require working on some upstream contributions... this is unclear at the time of writing).


Python 3 port

Port all of MediaGoblin's code to python 3: