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Designing Authentication API

To make our auth(entication) system more modular, we're likely going to have some sort of interface style API for it. This page is to design it.

Auth Plugin Design Pros/Cons

Interfacey Design w/o hooks:

   Place holder

Interfacey Design w/ hooks:

   Insert non-formatted text here

Non-Interfacey Design w/ hooks for every call:

   Insert non-formatted text here Base Class

      • This is a brainstorm of some of the functions and variables that the base class should include.***

basic_auth = False # Will be used to render to correct forms if using both basic_auth and openid/persona

login_form = # Plugin LoginForm class

registration_form = # Plugin RegistrationForm class

   class UserAuthInterface(object):
        deg _raise_not_implemented(self):
            # Will raise a warning if some component of this interface isn't implemented by an Auth plugin

        def check_login(self, user, password):
            return False
        def get_user(self, *args):
            # Will query database and will return a User() object

        def create_user(self, *args):
            # Will create a new user and save to the db.
            # Will return User() object

        def extra_validation(self, register_form, *args):
            # Will query the db and add error messages to register_form if any.
            # return true if able to create new user 

        def get_user_metadata(self, user):
            # Return a nice object with metadata from auth provider. Used to pre-fill registration forms