Manual Functional Testing
Manual testing is a great way to help out MediaGoblin when we're preparing for a new release. It can also help you get familiar with how MediaGoblin works and what it's all about. That is where this functional test suite comes in. Completing the tests from this suite can help us to know that our existing functionality is intact and the perspective of the new testers can help identify potential issues where ones had not previously been identified.
Test template
All the test cases share the following format. If you come up with a new test case to add please use this format.
Prerequisites: (This is what a test needs before it runs.) Ex - Image plug-in enabled. Activated user account. An image available for upload
Regression: (Yes if the functionality existed in the previous release otherwise it is set to no. All test cases should eventually be regression tests.) Ex - Yes
Steps: (These don't need to be exactly step-by-step but rather more general) Ex -
- Login to MediaGoblin
- Click on the Add Media button
- Select an image.
- Give it a title, description, and appropriate tags. Select a license.
- Press submit
Expected results: (This should be more specific than the steps.) Ex -
- A message telling you the item was submitted.
- The uploaded item has all of the information from step 4 (title, description, tags, license) and the image from step 3 displayed correctly when clicked on.
Copyable format
'''Prerequisites:''' '''Regression:''' '''Steps:''' # # '''Expected results:''' * *
Test suite
Media types
Reporting bugs from this test suite
TODO: add stuff about