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Notes on Running MediaGoblin on OpenBSD

MediaGoblin works on the latest (for a tiny bit) OpenBSD version!

$ uname -a
OpenBSD XXX 5.0 GENERIC#53 amd64


All the necessary dependencies are already available as packages as described in the documentation.

$ sudo pkg_add mongodb py-virtualenv py-lxml py-Imaging

Video support however seems to have more requirements than the default install. Otherwise the upload will fail with Python errors about non-existing objects (gtk, vp8enc, webmmux, ...) on the console.

$ sudo pkg_add py-gtk2 py-gstreamer gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-good

Maybe the media-handling code should be more resilient to missing libraries when they are not strictly necessary (maybe not generating all file formats)?


$ sudo useradd -u <UID> -g =uid -c "MediaGoblin" -d //path/to/mediagoblin/ -s /sbin/nologin _mediagoblin
$ cd /path/to/mediagoblin
$ sudo chown -R _mediagoblin:_mediagoblin .
$ HOME=`pwd` sudo -u _mediagoblin virtualenv .
$ HOME=`pwd` sudo -u _mediagoblin ./bin/python develop


$ cd /path/to/mediagoblin
$ HOME=`pwd` sudo -u _mediagoblin ./ --server-name=broadcast &