Configure MediaGoblin

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Revision as of 12:33, 5 August 2011 by Joar (talk | contribs) (Added some information about OpenStack Object Storage and changed the sectioning.)
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The config files

So basically there are two config files (and one meta-config file).

  • mediagoblin.ini: Use this to configure MediaGoblin, the application. Want to use a different storage system? Configure it here!
  • paste.ini: This just actually configures the web server that launches the MediaGoblin application, and some other things (like actually sets up the applications that serve your static files).

And then there's the meta-config file:

  • mediagoblin/config_spec.ini: This sets the defaults for config file options and the type conversion for things in mediagoblin.ini. Developers who add new config options should probably register them and their types here (and set some good defaults, if applicable).

Changing config files

So you want to turn on (or off) all the bells and whistles, set up mediagoblin to use a storage system running out of a distributed cluster of Commodore 64s, change your email server configuration, etc. Where do you set all this stuff up?

You should do the following:

# copy the config files
$ cp paste.ini paste_local.ini
$ cp mediagoblin.ini mediagoblin_local.ini

# edit paste_local.ini to know where mediagoblin_local.ini is
$ editor mediagoblin_local.ini

Find the line marked "config =" under [app:mediagoblin]; change to:

use = egg:mediagoblin#app
filter-with = beaker
config = %(here)s/mediagoblin_local.ini

If you want to use, you can run it like:

./ -c paste_local.ini

Also, all the ./bin/gmg commands have arguments to allow you to pass in the config file. For example:

./bin/gmg shell -cf mediagoblin_local.ini

(It's important to note that the ./bin/gmg commands don't care about the paster file, they just care about the mediagoblin config file.)

BTW, all these ./bin/gmg subcommands have help. You can check them like:

./bin/gmg shell --help

for more info.

Setting up Cloud Files public storage

These settings also work with OpenStack Object Storage (Swift), but you will need to set the API endpoint to avoid it defaulting to Rackspace Cloud Files US.

Seting it up

In mediagoblin.ini (or mediagoblin_local.ini), add this to the file and edit it to fit your needs.

Working example

# BEGIN CloudFiles public storage
# Uncomment the following line and fill in your details to enable Cloud Files
# (or OpenStack Object Storage [Swift])
# - 
publicstore_storage_class =
publicstore_cloudfiles_user = user
publicstore_cloudfiles_api_key = 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i
publicstore_cloudfiles_container = mediagoblin

# Uncomment this and fill it in to set the API endpoint to anything other
# than Rackspace Cloud Files US
# publicstore_cloudfiles_host = 

# Only applicable if you run MediaGoblin on a Rackspace Cloud Server
# it routes traffic through the internal Rackspace network, this
# means that the bandwith betis free.
publicstore_cloudfiles_use_servicenet = false
# END CloudFiles



This is used internally in mediagoblin to decide which type the storage object should be.


The user account that you use for authentication with the Cloud Files API.


The API key for the Cloud Files API


The container on your Cloud Files account in which the MediaGoblin public storage should be stored.


Default: Your current version of python-cloudfiles's Rackspace Cloud Files US host.
The API endpoint of the Cloud Files (Swift, OpenStack Object Storage) provider.

=== publicstore_cloudfiles_use_servicenet ===

Default: false
User the RackSpace internal network when transferring data between the MediaGoblin server and the Cloud Files provider. This only works when running MediaGoblin on Rackspace Cloud Servers.